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  • in reply to: Where to start? #21881
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      • @benevolentking

      HNY @hendriedavid

      I saw you are looking to create and audio video membership learning system with AI involved correct?

      I have a partner company that has a teaching/coaching Mobile app development platform that makes creating this kind of app drag and drop. Very robust features in the app.

      AND instead of $50k-$250k to build an app from scratch it would be more like $10-$15k and you’re live within a FEW WEEKS and not in a few years like a from scratch app dev project.

      I can schedule a call for you to see the a demos and discuss the details.

      Let me know a good number to message or call and we can chat.

      (*We don’t have AI solutions built in yet like you are asking about, but this app covers most everything else and can have AI added after when needed)

      in reply to: Ai & The Future of Marketing – Discussions and ideas #16952
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        • @benevolentking

        Hi @dholland76

        Great insights there. As you said the handling of complexity to expedite those kind of processes is an interesting angle. Or another way of putting it, creating assets within the bounds of multiple restriction rules does seem like a clear use-case.

        Curious if the learning from a large data set of previous architectual designs would yield a visual version of the music apps creating deepfakes. An Ai Frank Lloyd Wright if you will.

        Wild wonderful times we are in. 🙂

        in reply to: Center For AI Safety. #14824
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          • @benevolentking


          I for one am not really that concerned with the concept of AGI or using the word “extinction” from AI as the link mentions. No hyperventilating here.

          I am concerned about the near term amplification and misuse of the technical capabilities of the powers that be. Of course, malevalent power structures most directly, but its not such a stretch to foresee generally benevolent-seeming western democracy type nations misusing them as well.

          In general my gut instinct tells me we are innovating on technical fronts far faster then our morality and ethical regulating structures are able to pace. To put it simply, we are barely out of the caves (as human civilization) and already we now have the power to destroy our ecosystem. Mostly people talk about the nuclear threat but now with this AI leap forward, there are a host of other less dramatic threats to humanity and society.

          Few specifics to consider:
          -Ai empowering the police state control mechanisms beyond what humans were able to scale. You can monitor millions of homes with an AI system and “make sure everyone is SAFE inside and not ENDANGERING the populace during a pandemic lockdown”
          -Ai profiling normal citizens for “future crime prevention.” Use of certain words on devices or online that create a pattern of threat the police want to avoid. Easily can be overused and abused.
          -The myriad of ways deepfakes type media can confuse the financial systems, ID theft, CC theft, politics, reputation destruction, justice system evidence etc etc.

          Just to name a few. I’m sure there like 50 more I am not mentioning.

          Side note-did you know there are inhabited places on the planet that still have not gotten electrical systems installed? Millions of people right now living in huts carrying buckets of water everyday and when the sun goes down they go to sleep or light candles because there is no lighting. And at the same time there are places on earth like Boston Dynamics, Neurolink, OpenAI using technology so advanced we don’t even understand how it really works fully. That contrast shows how immature we are as a civilization.

          A Bulgarian friend said to me once that “America is a very dangerous baby” meaning that for only being 250 years old we wield more power than cultures who’ve gone through the social trials and tribulations for say 5,000 years and still remain. Well, I say you could change that phrase to “human civilization is a very dangerous baby” as well regarding technical advancements we are not equipped to master much less maintain with full safety confidence.

          As a final note, I might characterize it as a concern for the consequences of our species’ hubris. We charge into everything as fast as we possibly can in some imaginary race against the “enemy” and then assume we will just figure out how to get the genie back inside the bottle after we conjure it out. I know the enemy is racing and that is a real concern, but the whole game is contrived and we could all agree to slow down like genetic engineering and be more cautious. It’s farfetched but it is a possibility.

          I’m not paranoid nor alarmist about it. It’s fascinating and exciting to be on the ride. But we’ve had a string of good fortune and great luck as a civilization, I hope we have the wisdom and the temperance to take our foot of the gas pedal when we must in order to stay out of the ditch. Guess we will find out together!

          in reply to: Ai & The Future of Marketing – Discussions and ideas #14782
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            • @benevolentking



            Yes I did watch the jbp interview which is how I found Brian.

            yes the personal ai is likely a huge wave coming. Not sure how to even position for that other than straight marketing it.

            ironically I had a prospective client call yesterday who is a company in the ai powered security space for brick and mortar businesses.
            Ai makes so much sense for that use case.

            so many rabbit holes to travel 🙂

            in reply to: Ai & The Future of Marketing – Discussions and ideas #14780
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              • @benevolentking



              is this kind of what you meant by organizing Agents?





              in reply to: Where to start? #14517
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                • @benevolentking


                I second your question, and add to it…

                Can anyone point us to a succinct entry level summary and explainer about the use of the personal AI we have all downloaded?


                • Can we “grow” this local version in a personal way to customize to ourselves? If so, how?
                • Will the local version be updated by the cloud version automatically or do we need to do something?
                • Can we use the local version for our businesses and to have chatbots etc run on it?

                  Any help in these entry level concepts would be greatly appreciated!

                in reply to: Ai & The Future of Marketing – Discussions and ideas #14515
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                  • @benevolentking


                  I have been kicking around ideas for my engineer friends to build to get in on the wave. Thinking simple app with one value add function worth a small sub fee monthly.

                  In that spirit do you see prompt level apps worth doing at all or will they be leapfrogged too fast? For instance, curating content in a unique way with a specific purpose for a job role to make their time efficient in research.  Structured prompts for that type thing. For the savvy not worth it since they can do that on Chatgpt, but for the novice or tech illiterate maybe worth it?

                  in reply to: Ai & The Future of Marketing – Discussions and ideas #14354
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                    • @benevolentking

                    I’ll kick off with a company I have been subbed to for a few months just to stay inside and see how it progresses.

                    Its in the “all-in-one Ai powered marketing builder” space. Its actually not too bad for such a broad attempt/amount of tools. Like all of them though, it still doesn’t do much more than you can do on chatgpt with prompts for content creation etc. But combined with the logo, video, chatbot, template website builders etc. its decent.

                    Curious if anyone has come across a product similar/better than this to look into?




                    in reply to: Saving Wisdom: The First Step Master Mind Group. #14343
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                      • @benevolentking

                      From a functional process perspective, might be beneficial to group similar topics together into sections. “time”, “family”, “wisdom”, ” death” etc.

                      Also, maybe put an easily approachable mental frame around it.

                      People love the “30 day challenge” these days.

                      Answer 10 questions per day, for 30 days.

                      Or even write enough questions for a 60 day/90 day challenge, 10 per day.

                      900 questions answered like this in oral format would end up being 400+ pages of a book. Potentially thousands of pages if someone is verbose. Each participant essentially would end up with a sizable book written about their beliefs and thoughts.

                      When my mom was dying of brain cancer she sat down to write out some of her memoirs and thoughts about life. She wanted to feel like she left something behind. I think its quite common desire especially for people in their golden years.

                      That could be a great hook to go viral.

                      “Memorialize your life and wisdom in an easy to follow format. 90 day challenge, and at the end of the 90 days you will receive an ebook/audiobook of your wisdom to share with loved ones.” blah blah…

                      My mind always thinks of the marketing perspective =-)

                      in reply to: Saving Wisdom: The First Step Master Mind Group. #13470
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                        • @benevolentking

                        I love this concept. I have been kicking around the idea of the preservation of information similar to the Library of Alexandria that cannot be burned.

                        My initial thoughts are to create NFT archives of all knowledge. But I am not equipped with the tech knowledge of which blockchain technology etc would make this a practical reality.

                        In general I do see NFT as a utility for validation of authenticity becoming a thing and eclipsing its rocky start as art speculation/scams. Every luxury item will soon be delivered with an NFT for that serial number for resale and insurance sakes. Unless of course, it gets leapfrogged by some new new blockchain tech.

                        But, which ever tech establishes itself, why not expand that to knowledge? Especially in the deepfake world we have entered, having an easy and standardized way to authenticate media will be necessary.

                        Just some thoughts…

                        in reply to: Introduce yourself. #13450
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                          • @benevolentking

                          Hey everyone!

                          My real name is Jeremy Flores. Excited to be here.

                          Professionally I’m a digital marketer with 14+ years in Google ads (paid search) and growth marketing as my specialties.

                          Looking forward to getting the early adopter advantages for all things AI+marketing.

                          Feel free to reach out I am generally friendly 🙂


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