You Can Double Your Money Today By Visiting Your Local Bank And Have No Risk.

It was December 2004, and I was at a bank I was partnering with and as I was walking into the meeting the lead teller passed me by and said to my host “Mr. Friedman is here!”. I noticed others came to see, and I had to ask what was going on. I was told that every week Mr. Friedman comes to this small bank to pick up money.

This chance event led me to introduce myself to Mr. Friedman and ask what he was doing for the last year. I invited him to lunch, and we had a wonderful wide-ranging conversation. I discovered Mr. Friedman was a retired engineer and developed a new hobby. This hobby allowed for him to make a no risk return on his bank backed investment, and it had the prospects to allow him in theory to double his investment in 2 hours on a very good day. On a very bad day he earned 20% return on his investment in 2 hours.

I stayed in touch with Mr. Friedman over the years and spoke to him about this investment system he taught me, so many years ago is working for him in 2021. It turns out it still works and in some cases he gets very lucky his returns are higher. He also has automated his system using technology. I do also, it is a form of mining.

His system is not for everyone, I do it a few times per year and will now do it more often with the technology he suggested. But his system works and the variables are consistent. This is a fun investment and Mr. Friedman started it as a way to spend time with his grandchildren and teach them about investments. They had hours of fun times together, and although they are older they still share time together working at these investments.

I will explore a Member-Only exclusive article exploring how Mr. Friedman’s system works and if you want to invest, how to do it at your local bank. If you are a member, thank you. To become a member, please click on the link below and join us.

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3 thoughts on “You Can Double Your Money Today By Visiting Your Local Bank And Have No Risk.

  1. Thanks I enjoyed this as a former penny collector (who else had one of those blue whitman folders as a kid?). Might head to the bank today to get some for my kids and I to go through. I see the Portland Mint website also sells nickels… is there a similar pattern there about content+date?