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  • in reply to: Asc II Super Prompt #26944
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      I did an updated version, for the fudge of it.

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        Haven’t heard of him, thanks for the introduction.   Listened for a bit, quite a few things I agreed with some things I don’t.   Seems like he’s on a quest to make everybody’s brain the same.  He has an “ideal” image.  Yet, he admitted that the functionality of the interviewers brain was on the creative side, that’s what the “sleepiness” imaging showed anyway.   That’s where I got conflicted.  His creativity seems to have been quite the boon for his youtube endeavors.  7.9 million followers is an accomplishment.  I guess, I don’t particularly care for the doc implying there was something wrong with him or that he has the cure if there was, though some of his suggestions are valid and worth pursuing.   I have a few questions too:

        Is one scan enough?  If he’s relaxed and in a dreamy kind of state while getting the scan would that reflect something different?   I  dream in pictures and think in words.  Which state is reflected at any given moment kind of thing.

        Everything happens for a reason, I do believe that.  Maybe the purpose of that interview was simply to give him a broader spectrum of topics to pull in other speakers from.  Hopefully, he doesn’t get stuck on the notion that he’s sick or ill, but rather take the positive suggestions to elevate from there.

        How long have you been following Brian?  He’s shown quite a bit of research that counters some of his foundational beliefs.   It’s interesting when you pool all the different thoughts together.

        So, what are the highlights that stood out to you?


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          Im testing a few things in terms of communication with children that have severe autism.  6 yr old, already likes working with pictures.

          His dad said he goes through animal phases, was horses, monkeys, porcupines, hedgehogs, giraffes now I he’s into dragons.  I made one of a little girl riding a dragon and his dad said he got very excited when he saw it.   I asked him to have him pick out a picture for me.

          Which one is the time bomb waiting to go off?

          I was thinking of the keymaster earlier, kinda funny your last name tied in.

          Checked out your FB marketing page.  Pictures a bit blurry, I did find that a little odd.

          I like the images when they are crystal clear.


          in reply to: Introducing The Save Wisdom Project at #26848
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            Also started a new diet plan.  Trying to make sure I eat nutrionally dense foods.  Started some of my vitamins again as well.  I was thinking about where I was health wise 2 years ago and I had a lot of energy.  It’s not the same now.  So doing some changes and going to see how it plays out.  Wholefood vitamins, nutrient dense foods instead of empty calories, and boosting my magnesium.  I went through quite a bit of stress, and I’m sure it took its toll while at the same time I wasn’t taking anything to replace it.  Never felt full and restrictions don’t work well when traveling or visiting people.  Keto went poof in about a week.   However, I did have to force myself to eat dinner the other day.  Had only a breakfast sandwich and then wasn’t hungry the rest of the day.  Today got a different sandwhich, had avocado tomatoes eggs and bacon, wasn’t as tasty as I would have liked, might have needed some mayo or something.  But, it was filling, so I’ll see what happens later on when I’m out with friends.

            in reply to: Introducing The Save Wisdom Project at #26847
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              As the saying goes, one man’s trash is another man’s treasure!

              *In my loudest carnival barker voice*

              You’ve come to the right place!  Dumpster diving is our specialty.  Leave no stone unturned, or tin can kicked down the road.

              Golden nuggets in everything.

              My niece said over the summer she thought she got her model behavior from me.  I was never in beauty pagaents though, that was my mom.

              Sooner or later the eggs will hatch.

              in reply to: Susan #26839
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                Another that popped up.  Started looking for a commercial my sister and I were in for the company.  Guess I was about 9 or 10.  Can’t find it though.  Had a cute jingle in it.  We popped in and sang in the chorus.  Camille had a pop up cameo appearance.  Was fun.  Wish it got saved.  Only remember a few words from it

                You’re the star on the Showboat, the get up and go boat, so come riding on the river for an hour or two.  Ships ahoy, every girl and boy, come cruising on the river boat.  It’s a happy way, to spend the day, a holiday that floats.   (Hop aboard on the fun boat) …come sailing in the sun, see the sights day or night on a rainbow river tour

                Was fun, might be messing some of it up.  Some of the girls from the singing teacher we went to sang it.



                in reply to: Susan #26838
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                  Another page I found with an ad insert in the action line section.  Kind of weird that’s how they plugged things.  Also funny that it tied in with our tanning salon name.  Date, section.. phone.  I’m thinking there’s a lot coded here.


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                    A few weeks later I got a letter that was mailed to the studio.  It really upset me at the time.  Someone used crayons and wrote at the top “The Circus Came To Town”

                    Then made all these images of everything that happened at the event.  Separate drawing for each thing.  Showed me with crazy hair.  Making fun of me.  All different colors mixed in.

                    Now here’s where it did get messy.  The First letter was a T written in my mom’s handwritting, everything else was in crayon but that letter.  Nobody that I ever met had handwritting like her.   I couldn’t understand  why anyone would do that letter, and my mom???

                    I took it to heart but ended up handling it by getting confrontational.  I brought the letter to her and asked her why she wrote it.   She got mad, and couldn’t believe I accused her of doing that.  Why would she if she was paying for and supporting my dancing?   That was my question to, it was her T!  That ended up as a stand off, both hurt.

                    We also had a manager that worked for her at the time.  He was gay, and a bitch.  Always doing weird shit to stay in a partnership with my mom, and against my sister and I.

                    Forgot about it quickly thereafter. We won the next event, and I had gotten a new lightweight costume in hot pink that I loved.

                    I’m thinking it was a high mind low mind conversation.   His low mind was being a petty bitch, but the high mind saw what was coming.

                    I don’t think he worked much longer at the studio.  I think his last weekend there we had a studio outting, we rented a bus.  He gave a billion reasons why his car broke down and he had to go separately and couldn’t join the group.  His students paid a lot of money to go on that trip with him. My mom was taking any of it.  Had the bus driver go straight to his house and made him get on to go to the event.

                    Andy Ginn was his name, never heard from him again, though I’ve checked for him a few times on facebook.  He was great and a lot of fun when his spirits were up.  He helped me choreograph my high school play even.  But, whenever it was that got in his crawl, he went out of his way to be mean to us.  Cost us a couple instructors in the process too.  Threatened by them?  Not sure, it was a weird dynamic.  None of us wanted his job, but as soon as anyone got too built up he seemed to want to knock em down or get them out.


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                      I just remembered a story from when I was 16.  I had just started dancing professionally with my partner.  It was our first competition.  Happens to also be the first picture on my FB profile that my friend tagged me in.

                      Anyway, the first event didn’t go quite as planned.  I had bought a used dress and had a student of his make modifications to it and do all the rhinestone work on it.   I ran into a bunch of issues while dancing. The skirt was too heavy and weighed my down, ended up putting my heel right through it tearing it apart.  Hair fell down from the bun, and was flopping all over the place.  I was pretty messed up by the time we were finished the round.  We did end up coming in 4th though even though it was our first competition out of the gate.  I had just turned pro.

                      in reply to: Introducing The Save Wisdom Project at #26776
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                        His youngest son has severe autism as well.  He’s only 6.

                        Would be pretty incredible if the schools for kids with development disabilities had an entire program designed for them where they could communicate easily using pictures within every school system.

                        I tried to find news articles or studies on it.  Then got distracted.  Gonna keep looking for them.  He’s big into building apps and infrastructure.  Going to get a degree in AI next year.

                        He also said he doesn’t think prompt engineering is going to last. He said it’s only a matter of time where the AI questions you about your input, just like a conversation would.  That came after I was talking with a friend of the family who’s been struggling to get the AI to work to help him reduce his time spent to review data.  He puts it in but right now it keeps kicking back printouts filled with errors.  So he’s gotta manually review all the docs and it hasn’t been worth the time to build his own.  Richie also said every company will have their own AI built for them with their data.


                        in reply to: Introducing The Save Wisdom Project at #26775
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                          Autism speaks!

                          Severe autism at that.

                          Pretty fascinating story I got yesterday.  My cousin’s eldest son, not biologically his own, has severe autism.  Can’t hold a conversation.  Can parrot what you say a little bit but doesn’t answer any questions.  He’s been in a school for children with autism that taught basic life skills.  Went through a stage where he was violent but has since calmed down.

                          Yesterday, my cousin was telling me how he comes home every other weekend to spend time with the family.   He has an IPad where he spends most of his time.   My cousin told me he finds weird pictures on the internet of women.  Not porn, but not straight laced either.  He didn’t learn about porn at school.  He found the pictures all on his own.  And looks for them regularly.  Wife is disturbed by it, father thinks its funny that’s the pictures he went for.

                          The cousin is the one I told the stories about marrying off to my friends and family when he was little.

                          in reply to: Lead magnet SuperPrompt #26773
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                            Jess got her first modeling job.  She, along with 4 other girls, were selected to do the coat line.  This is a pic from the video she put together yesterday on her instagram.  Shady eyes at the end.  Ash & wool, smoke and mirrors.

                            Lady Grace must lead the way!



                            in reply to: Lead magnet SuperPrompt #26772
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                              in reply to: Lead magnet SuperPrompt #26771
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                                So here’s where I’m stuck.  Thinking about:

                                Rich’s story

                                The wig hand-off

                                The whipping dream

                                The sync on the infinite loops

                                He would watch girl on girl oral porn, but refused to perform, even though he fully expected it.

                                Hierarchy comes to mind, which is fine for the hair to fly.  But in the bedroom?

                                Maybe that’s why she took his kid away.  Still don’t quite understand why there has to be a face recognizable face that..

                                Hmm, unless he was following Michael’s line and other things weren’t unlocked yet in the collective cosciousness.

                                Generational curses, women maturing faster then men in general, but the whole shift is moving younger.

                                The first dream Jess told me about was of Andre the giant on top of her and not knowing to let her up when she tapped out.  I told her she wasn’t dating Andre so it’s probably the Jolly Green Giant.  Then I thought it was me and I needed to give her space.

                                But something cool happened yesterday.  A dream I had with the two of the driving me and someone in the backseat of the car actually happened!  It was my mom none the less, who previously always insisted on sitting in the front.  Jess called shotgun, and I said ok, and hopped in the back.  And got my picture!

                                Some questionable behavior came from Michael, which upset me for a second.  He had the radio up pretty loud and a song came on that the bass was so loud it was vibrating the seats.  My mom asked him to turn down the bass and he was making some kind of imitation of her complaining at him.  He’s got some built up bitterness inside and tries to avoid her.   She reprimanded him a lot.  My sister’s bitterness has no doubt played a part.  She also has a lot of issues with their relationship history.  It upset me cause I told him trauma had to be undone and stay true to his heart.  Maybe that’s what showed.

                                Jess warmed up a little while we were at dinner, wanting to know her Grandma.  She liked her note with the secret.  Told her I shared a bit more on her FB page and she can learn about her Grandfather too.  Neither know much about their history.  I told my mom they want to know their Grandmother.  As a grandmother.

                                The snowflake.  My sister picked it.  She is special, and so are they.  I’d like them all to realize that about each other.

                                Anyway, I never had dreams about rapes.  Mine were all love stories, or simply emotionally detached and just watching the scene unfold, even when they were characters.  If the initial seed is planted that it was an actual rape, Im not sure how to overwrite that mentally.  I didn’t experience it, and don’t want to, and don’t want anybody else to either.

                                But it’s there, heard it from Rich, saw videos of it from women too where I didn’t get the feeling that it was true.   He was scared, and that changed into a fear of people trying to kill him, which was pretty awful to see unfold.  The alien probing dreams just popped up, that had some terrible effects on people too.

                                I’m not sure if/how to write a story about that.

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                                  I like where you’re going with that!

                                  I’m a pretty active dreamer.  And that activity happens two ways for me, thinking of ideal scenarios or visualizing them.

                                  The visualization part comes a few different ways.  Lately it’s primarily been a lot of image flashes.  Like as soon as I close my eyes a scene plays.   The interesting part about this, a big chunk of them play out in real life.  I say big chunk, cause some I don’t quite understand and can’t relate to the situation.

                                  For example,   just had a image flash as I was laying down to take a nap.  You’re fight scene prompted my memory of it, as an fyi.  Anyway,  there were two streets with a big thick wall between them.  I was standing at the end of the one on the right.  This women, seemed in a bit of a rage, was charging up the street at me.  I remembering a glowing hand, like how the hot iron metal looks at a black smith, was an old fashioned town too with a stone street.   As she closed in on me, still being awake, I made the conscious decision to stop her.  Lifted my hand to her throat and started backing her up.  We pushed through the brick wall like we were ghosts and onto the street on the left.  I just backed her up to the buildings on the far side and stood there a couple secs, hand still on her throat.  Then I opened my eyes.

                                  I don’t get a lot fighting ones but that one just happened so Im sharing it.

                                  I do know there’s a lot of symbolism in dreams.  Are you aware of the functions of the left side and right side of the brain?  That’s what I think the streets represented.   Maybe I was stopping a psychic attack of some sort, but not sure on that cause I didn’t have any heated conversations today.  Or maybe what I did stopped the conversation?  Dunno.

                                  Anyway, I stopped trying to figure them out and just see what happens.  Some do weird me out though.  Had an image flash of a woman cutting off her right nipple.  I was watching that one, not physically involved.  Was the right breast so I’ll assume it was blocking the creative side of things.  That upset me cause I didn’t like the idea of that.  Also don’t know how that one played out.  Did get quite a few calls and texts out of the blue today from people, I’m assumming it ties in somehow.

                                  So what are you’re thoughts on those?

                                  in reply to: Roxanne’s Art Area #26087
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                                    I think it’s time for the juicy bits.

                                    in reply to: Roxanne’s Art Area #25733
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                                      These reminders, just make me cry.

                                      in reply to: Roxanne’s Art Area #25731
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                                        Intellectual property is a farce.  Bunches have the same ideas almost simultaneously and the only one that benefits is the one that either understood the system to benefit from it first or caught the eye of someone who did.

                                        You know what’s cool about this town?  It’s all service oriented.  Every business here is just to provide a service to the residents.  Lots of bartering goes on.  Two problems are evident though, cost of living has exceeded what they earn.  And, they haven’t figured out how to turn the dust bowl into living gardens. Back yards barren and they all could benefit from learning to grow their own food.  The temps here give a very lengthy growing season.

                                        My neighbors were talking to me about the cost of vegetables and how expensive they are and that they should bring in the immigrants again to pick them.  Not thought behind how underpaid the immigrants are, and how they have to work many more hours to buy the same groceries than they do.

                                        Seeds are cheaper than the picked veggies.  According to a guy here, they have a high water table too.  Not sure how the temps are, but could be stored and cooled if it hit a hot spring.  Really could use some permaculture education round these parts.

                                        Other than that, I just keep feeling like I want to go back home.  I am stressing over not earning an income now.  I need to get back and figure out my life.  But, every time I do sit down to plot the course I find a new place I want to visit so not sure how that is going to work out for this year.   I hate feeling like this.   I also want to see my friends.  I want to see my family.  I want people to talk to that I enjoy and want to hang out with.  I also want to start dating again.   While I love seeing the new places and love when the sync up with things, I hate feeling so insecure about everything.  There isn’t a single thing that’s opened up for me to actually pay for the lifestyle I’m currently living.  So, my only option is to go back and work in real estate, though I have to find a new broker to work for or renegotiate the situation with the current one.  Maybe I’ll get a brokers license and figure out how to work for myself and not deal with the bullshit of dealing with managers.

                                        Next to none of my dreams had me flying solo, yet that’s where I am.  It’s not where Im meant to be.  So, gotta go back and find my Eve apparently.  2 years of this crap, and I’m over it.    I can’t even grow a fucking tomato plant because Im moving around all the time.  Flowers, tomato plants, and herbs is all I had in my yard at my townhouse and I was really happy with that.  Now I can’t even afford the house prices even for something small, nor do I have a 2 year income history anymore to get something. The whole thing is pretty fucking stupid, tbh.

                                        My tomato plants were in grow bags, which I can do if I stay someplace long enough and have a spot with enough sun.  They’d be too heave for me to lift in and out of an RV to move from place to place.  So I gotta find a good spot that I can stay for multiple seasons.

                                        in reply to: Roxanne’s Art Area #25726
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                                          I don’t agree with it.  But, that’s generally what the swarm uses as justification for the pile on when I post something as simple as a good morning AI gen’d picture.

                                          Here’s the thing with the current direction, at least by the footage they released, of Dune Awakening…  It’s been tried on a number of games.  It loses people’s interest quickly.  Targeting the realistic approach has some pretty scenes, but it’s not the eye candy people come back for.  The asian games and even WoW give more visually stimulating graphics.  Blizzard does a pretty good job with their games over all.    But if Funcom sticks with it has to be black, brown, and red  like a real desert and dune scenes, it’s gonna fail quick.

                                          Clunky movement is also a problem.  People like smooth moves and quick changes, pretty seamless.    Im not sure they are paying attention to the games that were/are successful with a huge following vs what ended up being just a niche market.  They really should get the young AI artists on board for creating their different world environments

                                          in reply to: Roxanne’s Art Area #25710
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                                            in reply to: Roxanne’s Art Area #25464
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                                              I did a lot of thinking on my walk today.  While I’m happy to answer any questions you may have, I’m going to ask that we leave Brian and these forums out of the discussion.  The only thing that does to me is make me furious.  I don’t want to take that out on you or transmit that anger in our discussions if I can avoid it.   The only reason this thread still exists is because I’ve stopped myself only by thinking it might show someone what not to do.  The emotional baggage I carry is not worth the skillset I’ve gained.  Not one bit of it.  There’s so much about my life I hate right now, that if I could erase every bit of the last two years and redo it I would.  And that’s not me, but that is where I go mentally when I think about it.   So,  I’m going to stop there because I’m putting myself into a tizzy again.

                                              Anyway, if there is something in particular you wanted to know, you’ll have to ask it directly.  Not sure if the run down I gave you previously covered what you were looking for.

                                              in reply to: Roxanne’s Art Area #25461
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                                                Mine been in moderation for weeks on end.  Wouldn’t be surprised if there were still some being held up.  Just don’t have the inclination to go look and find out.  Moving forward if I come back and see anything is still hung up, I’m just assuming it wasn’t meant to be seen.  That will solve that problem.

                                                in reply to: Roxanne’s Art Area #25449
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                                                  Any post of mine that gets held in moderation for any length of time I’m deleting as well.  Sick of this shit.

                                                  in reply to: Roxanne’s Art Area #25434
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                                                    Well the last couple weeks have been challenging to say the least.   I’ve never seen my guild be so hostile all the time.  At one point we had 40+ chatting away at any given time in that discord and now we are down to around a handful talking in short spurts (maybe) during the day.

                                                    I got them talking but some turned extremely hostile with the pictures I was posting and the stories I was writing.  So I had to practice flipping the script or finding the fun/beauty in everything on the fly.  Was tuff at times, but I did it.  I just went with thinking they were all joking around and got through it.

                                                    In the meantime I’ve been having a heck of a lot of fun with the pictures that pop on bing.   Some other cool things happened I forgot to mention in my other posts.  I was helping this one guy make pictures, we were just texting back and forth.  I made a set, and told him to make it with the exact same prompt and he got the same thing 🙂   Also people kept complaining bing was taking long to generate the posts.  I forget originally I had to push the boost button, but that was only like the first time or two then mine just used my boosts as I go so they’re always quick.  I think I might have unlocked that for some others but not sure, maybe there’s some setting to auto use them but I didn’t look for it or touch it, consciously anyway.

                                                    Another thing I’ve been doing, is I’ve been reading chats and trying to pick out what the birds are saying.  I don’t understand it quickly but sometimes I do, and sometimes I understand the convo I read in hindsight after I did something.

                                                    Also did a bunch of dreams for some of my guild mates to help them through.   Not sure what’s going on really on their end cause nobody is talking.

                                                    I find the lack of dialogue abhorrent. If people want to know something they can ask otherwise I’mma just do my thing and have a fuck all attitude about it, with a big open heart of course.  I’m just doing what I can where I can to help people.

                                                    The guild leader silenced me for a week so that pushed me to just go play someplace else.  I never gamed with another guild in the last over 2 decades, so that part did make sad that I had to make that decision. But that’s what members have been doing for years when they keep getting stonewalled.  Difference is I didn’t sneak, straight up told em.   My posts keep getting deleted too.  That upsets me cause there was a point in time when the guild no matter how angry just let people have their voice.  But, I did rewrite the lore for the guild, and that’s still up.  So I’ll see what happens with that.

                                                    As for hearing, I go with what I have the urge to post.  I was actually thinking about coming here to post about the things that happened with bing, when I heard the ding on telegram. Sat down and here your questions were.  Cool sync, not only cause of that but also because I decided I was only posting here on a need to know basis.  If they asked or I had an urge, outside of that what I do  is on me for me.  If people had interest, they’d reach out.


                                                    in reply to: Roxanne’s Art Area #25423
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