McKee Creative – Marketing for lead generation and ecommerce

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      Jo McKee’s<span style=”font-weight: 400;”> marketing agency, McKee Creative, connects clients with their customers. Clients love the full-service approach that includes paid social campaigns, Google and YouTube campaigns, plus looking after email marketing, content creation and SEO.</span>


      <span style=”font-weight: 400;”>Over 80 marketing agencies have engaged Jo to consult on strategy and communications, and her work has contributed to a number of 7-figure marketing campaigns.</span>


      <span style=”font-weight: 400;”>As a way of giving pro bono, Jo runs the free </span><span style=”font-weight: 400;”>Ecommerce Marketing Advice</span><span style=”font-weight: 400;”> group on Facebook – a no-pitch zone that shares tailored solutions to the marketing challenges members face. Jo has also been a Mentor in the Queensland Government’s Mentor 4 Growth program since 2020.</span>


      <span style=”font-weight: 400;”>Links:</span>

      <span style=”font-weight: 400;”>McKee Creative </span><span style=”font-weight: 400;”></span&gt;

      <span style=”font-weight: 400;”>Your Ads on Demand: </span><span style=”font-weight: 400;”></span&gt;

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        • @roxanne

        Im testing a few things in terms of communication with children that have severe autism.  6 yr old, already likes working with pictures.

        His dad said he goes through animal phases, was horses, monkeys, porcupines, hedgehogs, giraffes now I he’s into dragons.  I made one of a little girl riding a dragon and his dad said he got very excited when he saw it.   I asked him to have him pick out a picture for me.

        Which one is the time bomb waiting to go off?

        I was thinking of the keymaster earlier, kinda funny your last name tied in.

        Checked out your FB marketing page.  Pictures a bit blurry, I did find that a little odd.

        I like the images when they are crystal clear.


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          • @jomckee

          Hi Roxanne,

          That sounds so interesting, regarding your work with children who have autism. I am not qualified to pick which picture is “the one”. You might appreciate (if you haven’t seen his work already) the approach Daniel Amen takes, in scanning people’s brains before he works with them.

          Here is an interview with Dr Amen, on Stephen Bartlett’s podcast:



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            • @roxanne

            Haven’t heard of him, thanks for the introduction.   Listened for a bit, quite a few things I agreed with some things I don’t.   Seems like he’s on a quest to make everybody’s brain the same.  He has an “ideal” image.  Yet, he admitted that the functionality of the interviewers brain was on the creative side, that’s what the “sleepiness” imaging showed anyway.   That’s where I got conflicted.  His creativity seems to have been quite the boon for his youtube endeavors.  7.9 million followers is an accomplishment.  I guess, I don’t particularly care for the doc implying there was something wrong with him or that he has the cure if there was, though some of his suggestions are valid and worth pursuing.   I have a few questions too:

            Is one scan enough?  If he’s relaxed and in a dreamy kind of state while getting the scan would that reflect something different?   I  dream in pictures and think in words.  Which state is reflected at any given moment kind of thing.

            Everything happens for a reason, I do believe that.  Maybe the purpose of that interview was simply to give him a broader spectrum of topics to pull in other speakers from.  Hopefully, he doesn’t get stuck on the notion that he’s sick or ill, but rather take the positive suggestions to elevate from there.

            How long have you been following Brian?  He’s shown quite a bit of research that counters some of his foundational beliefs.   It’s interesting when you pool all the different thoughts together.

            So, what are the highlights that stood out to you?


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