The rise of electronic medicine has accelerated greatly over the last decade and the next decade it will become central to the new medicine that is converging ahead. This is more accurately the convergence of electromagnetics, AI and medicine. This is not about micro machine delivering pharmaceuticals nor is it about DNA/RNA changes. This is a far more nuanced medicine and very few in the tech world and medical world understand it. This is about the next Apple-like company of this new industry. But as a member of Read Multiplex you will know perhaps years before most in-the-know VC in Silicon Valley and you can take advantage of this knowledge—today.
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Picked this up at open, more than paid for my membership in 3 hours, not that other ideas hadn’t already done this multiple times over.
Sad to think this is true and no one knows about it.
Please keep carnival barking! We need you. Thanks as always for the amazing content and so glad I joined Multiplex!
Thanks, Brian!
I was wondering, if you could help out with additional materials about electromagnetic, resonance medicine, dr. Rife etc.. Would love to dig in and try to join the field!
Armands, thanks for asking. I will be writing about this in more detail at some point. In the mean time I will put some information together.