“There’s a young student at this university who has an IQ of 126 and yet the student has virtually no brain” said professor John Lorber who holds a research chair in pediatrics at Sheffield University, England. He went on to say “we saw that instead of the normal 4.5-centimeter thickness of brain tissue between the ventricles and the cortical surface, there was just a thin layer of mantle measuring a millimeter or so. His cranium is filed mainly with cerebrospinal fluid” [1].

Dr. Lorber examined the student’s head by CAT scan and determined a condition called hydrocephalus in which the cerebrospinal fluid, the clear colourless fluid in the spaces in and around the spinal cord and the brain, becomes dammed up in the brain instead of circulating around the brain and spinal cord.
Take a moment to perform some field research. Pinch your skin between your thumb and first finger as hard as you can. Observe how far you got and note the redness as you constrain blood and lymphatic flow to a thin line. Now imagine you making this compression thinner then a human hair, you still will not be able to replicate the amount of brain compression found in Dr. Lorber’s patient.
“Is The Brain Necessary?“—Science Magazine, 1980 [1]
The heading is provocative and evocative, but to began to explain Dr. Lorber’s patient we must fearlessly move in the direction of knowledge. In science if you have a theory of anything it must, it demands, to explain “the outlier”. If you can’t, you really do not have a theory at all, you have a speculation or you have a dogma. This is why science, when practiced as a tool to explore the universe has moved society forward. Whereas “science” as vomited by the-keepers-of-the-status-quo will ignore “the outlier” and continue to make big noises to defend a theory that no longer works.
Consider the brain, you are using it at this moment. That voice you hear in your head as you read this, is not really mine, but your voice, a silent inner monologue. We have not yet begun to understand the human brain, human intelligence, the source of ideas and where memories are stored. The latest research shows that the brain’s memory capacity is a over quadrillion or 1015 bytes. It does not get “used up” by any demonstration in science. This is about the same amount needed to store the entire internet (text & images). The brain contains about ~100 billion microscopic neurons that send information to the brain at more than 268 miles per hour. Yet the brain generates just enough electricity to power an small LED light bulb of 12-25 watts. The brain comprises about 2% of total body weight but uses 20% of its total energy and oxygen uptake. The brain is 73% water and weighs about three pounds and sadly, chronic stress and depression can cause measurable brain shrinkage.
We really have no left-brain or right-brain personality/skill types. We are not left-brained or right-brained at all; we are ‘whole-brained’. We use our brain in a holographic way and it points to a new world of technologies, not to make a human more like a computer but to enhance humans with human intelligence and human thinking.
Dr. Lorber will be our entry point into our adventure that just about no one in technology and few in brain sciences talk about. This will be a Members-Only exploration for many reasons. This will afford a view of opportunities that to many are priceless and will become the basis of the next Google sized companies you may start.
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[1] https://science.sciencemag.org/content/210/4475/1232🔐 Start: Exclusive Member-Only Content.
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Hi Brian, what a wonderful and thought-provoking article. I find all your multiplex articles fascinating. Thank you for your work and I look forward to more exceptional articles. Will done and bravo! Alex
Thought-provoking research. The brain acts a bit like a RAID-array? You pointed out the cost of keeping this organ running. It seems a high-price to pay just for redundancy of the self? Any thoughts on why evolution followed this path?
Fascinating Brian! The elephant in the room might be emotions, where do emotions dwell and how do they compress narrative? Is all the water in our body somehow involved? Does water store information? Also: music definitely triggers emotions and a song can become a virtual time machine, taking one back to a past event so vivid you can see smell and taste it…