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    • Could chat gpt be a remote viewer? Can an AI tool be used to compile text (web scrap) and form predictions about events or market conditions? I feel a prompt could be created for a simple web scraper and it could be trained to possibly predict events. Could chat gpt or a LLM be trained in remote viewing?Can an AI tool be used to compile text (web scrap) and form predictions about events or market conditions? I feel a prompt could be created for a simple web scraper and it could be trained to possibly predict events. Could chat gpt or a LLM be trained in remote viewing?

      Started by: Kishore in: SuperPrompt Master Mind Group

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    • 11 months ago


    • User Illusion prompt for applying it’s tenets to daily observations @brian introduced User Illusions: Cutting Consciousness down to Size, a couple of years ago. Easily one of most impactful books I have every read. Below is an early version of a prompt intended to help the user apply the tenets of the User Illusion (UI). Using the expertise persona, the prompt asks chatgpt to become on expert on UI. The user then describes on recent observation / perception. Chatgpt then explains how the CNS converts the perception into something (much smaller) which the end user becomes conscious of a 1/2 later. The following is a link to the prompt and an early conversation regarding UI/CNS. https://chat.openai.com/share/3b230580-45fe-4859-8824-1340a5460661 much "transcendental gratitude" to Brian for introducing the book to me.@brian introduced User Illusions: Cutting Consciousness down to Size, a couple of years ago. Easily one of most impactful books I have every read. Below is an early version of a prompt intended to help the user apply the tenets of the User Illusion (UI). Using the expertise persona, the prompt asks chatgpt to become on expert on UI. The user then describes on recent observation / perception. Chatgpt then explains how the CNS converts the perception into something (much smaller) which the end user becomes conscious of a 1/2 later. The following is a link to the prompt and an early conversation regarding UI/CNS. https://chat.openai.com/share/3b230580-45fe-4859-8824-1340a5460661 much "transcendental gratitude" to Brian for introducing the book to me.

      Started by: shelden in: SuperPrompt Master Mind Group

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    • 11 months ago


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