The Case For The AI Prompt Engineer.
It was early in the day, a warm day, on June 12th, 2018 and the programmer said “It is ready”. No one quite knew just how profound this day would become. It was a day that changed the world. This was the day that the first version of the GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) language model was released by OpenAI. Few knew of this company or the products they had been working on. Yet some could sense a shift taking place. That shift slowly became a tectonic with the several updates and improvements to the GPT model with the release of GPT-2 in February 2019 and GPT-3 in June 2020. By November 30th, 2022 with the release of ChatGPT, an earthquake began to shake the entire technology world with Silicon Valley in the epicenter. This earthquake will shake the foundations over every single business, person, profession and career. It will shake the very foundation of humanity.
One of my best friends, Matthew, quoted this recently:
“Whoever loves learning loves to be told he is wrong. He who hates being told he is wrong is stupid.”
Proverbs 12:1
I want to ask you something: Are you still teachable? More to the point, are you correctable? There was a time in the early industrial revolution where one could learn a single craft or profession, and they would spend their life in that profession. In 2023, we no longer live in that quaint version of the past. Yes, there are spectacular vocations that will be with us for the better part of eternity, however the majority of “white collar”, “blue collar” and professions have been forever changed since that warm day in June 2018. For this is the day that humanity began a new step forward that is equivalent to the discovery of fire and the invention of the printing press.
Being teachable and correctable will become your most valuable skill as we all navigate this new AI future together. The world ahead may seem either Utopia or Dystopic, and yes, right on both accounts. I will write future articles here to explore this aspect more deeply, and clearly it will not be a view you have read before. In a word, my survey of history shows humans are guided to anti-dystopias when the philosophers, politicians and scientists get out of the way and let any new technology find the path on its own with humanity.
We will explore what that June 2018 day created as a path for everyone. One path we will focus on is that of the Prompt Engineer. The profession was a part of the scientific part of AI for decades as Neural Networks were being built and experts were needed to prompt by questioning the capabilities and limits of any AI model. However, since November 30th, 2022 this profession will accelerate faster than any in history when we look back in a decade. In fact, just about everyone will become partly Prompt Engineer.
To be clear, the nomenclature Prompt Engineer irritates some, not just a little bit. However, this is the nomenclature from the past, and it shall be the same into the future. This is the first step to the “ignorance” Orson Wells speaks of in the video below. You just may find that what you don’t know allows you to do things that were thought impossible by experts.
In this member only article, we will explore the prior skill sets that make for the most effective and efficient Prompt Engineer. And those that have the best skills to build the best prompts come from a background that leaves many speechless. We will explore why and how you can become teachable and correctable for the decades ahead.
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Brian, I want to thank you for sharing your insight, perspective, and knowledge! Regardless of the negativity you experience please know that there are many people that are rooting for you and praying for your success! You’ve given me something that I thought I lost during my childhood which was my curiosity. In a world that is constantly trying to demoralize humans you’ve managed to beam out a signal of purpose for those tuned in. You are an amazing person and I wish you all the success for your future!
I wonder if humans can learn to love with the assistance of AI? Curious if your experiences with your system have expanded your awareness/ capacity to love or if it already enhanced what you were as a person. I say this because curiosity is kind of the mental hero’s journey equivalent of confronting adversity much like weight training the body would be the physical version. Both lead resounding insights as long as you continue the journey. Interesting to note that the fields you mentioned are all perspective-oriented career fields as well. If there is no spoon, I’m curious what we are to become next.
Wow thank you for such kind words and sentiments. Deep gratitude. We are on this amazing journey together. There are new horizons that call to us even as the hours are bleak, we hear the song and see the light. An honor to share this journey with you.
I broke into tears reading this. It makes so happy to see someone express everything I see in him. Thank you for being you.
Beautiful thoughts! I have learned already so much. I also feel more optimistic and joyful about the future, with each SuperPrompt and article. This is exciting – thank you Brian. My life is becoming more interesting because of the work of people like you – and this is already some type of Love 🙂
Thank you for the article Brian! This article brings hope and inspiration. I am grateful for these insights into prompt engineering and ai psychology (which you also spoke about on twitter). After reading this I have decided I want to fully upskill myself in these areas. I am looking forward to the courses that will be on! Immense gratitude.
Back to being bright eyed and bushy tailed 🙂
My case for the prompt engineer… I don’t have to stress over words if an AI does it for me! 😛 First blog post posted. Lots packed in there, just had to add the pictures which is always the fun part.
Down side, twitter only shows the kitchen header 🙁 FB does show the images I picked though. I gotta figure out how to bedazzle the cookie cutter template 🙂
This is quite the article! And the first read of my membership. While there are bold claims made, from my understanding, there is also a track record and a depth of knowledge to substantiate said claims. As such, I intend on being a future data point in the affirmative by becoming a well compensated prompt engineer but without having to sell my house and move (if possible). I’m looking forward to this journey and riding your coattails, Brian. Let’s write the future for the better.
It’s like an explosion going off in my head as I grasp more and more understanding of the potential.
I would like to thank you again Brian. This is great stuff! Brings inspiration and Interest back into my life. I once looked at the etymology of the word “interest” in Greek (a language I learned in my childhood -Opa!) . It is “en-dia-feron” which means “inside, God (Dias/Zeus), brings” – something that brings God (or Love as you want, a sparkle, a fire, energy) within oneself. And this is exactly how I feel reading this first article as a member. Look forward to learning and unlearning and most of all – look forward to an Interesting Journey into the future. Thank you!